Uniqueness of our produce.

Naya Greens welcomes you all to a whole new world of health!
Is it not true that good things come in small packs. So, we are here, bringing goodness in the form of farm-fresh micro-greens a high nutrient food.We are firm believers in the concept, “Health is Wealth.” True in today’s world, and the very reason we deliver Farmfresh Micro-Greens to your table.
Freshness becomes nourishment for the spirit and energy. We are what we eat. Hence we produce non-hybrid and unadulterated novel microgreens.
At Naya Greens, We ensure all our consumers have a healthy lifestyle. Our farm-fresh multi-variety microgreens are organically grown are available all round the year.
Our Microgreens are not just pesticide-free; we harvest them with the utmost care and love to ensure we provide the best.
Recent studies have shown, multi-variety microgreens are functional food that promotes general health and prevents disease by providing the required nutrients.
We not only produce them, but we also supply DIY subscription kits to enthusiastic new gardeners, helping them grow microgreens at the comfort of their home.
Choose and select your choice of high nutrient microgreens or all of them. Relish them on your salads or include them in our daily food as you please. We will enable you to make dietary life changes for a better and energetic and healthy lifestyle.
Our Story

Most of us believe allopathy medicine is the solution for all diseases, and this belief mostly continues to be true. Only 10-15% of people look for alternate medicine or even a lesser percentage of people practice healthy eating, keeping all diseases at bay.
Our story is similar, our family also followed allopathy. My father, a pharmacist, and a diabetic person and have been on medication almost entire his life. Being a pharmacist, he self-medicated. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and he had no choice but to get on to insulin for controlling his diabetes.
During my final year engineering 2019, my friend Shiva’s father was diagnosed with blood cancer. With help of my father’s contact we got in touch with best of best doctors to get him best treatment. All the doctors we consulted informed us that he has only two weeks of life. We could see him getting weaker by the day due to heavy medication and chemotherapy and suffering from various side effects like fever, loss of appetite, platelets, and weight loss.
Unfortunately, we were mentally preparing to face the worst in a few weeks. Shiva happened to get a suggestion from one of his family members to consult Narsipura Narayanappa at Shivamogga, who is known to treat various types of cancer through mother natures resources sourced from forests. As there was no harm in giving it a try, Shiva to consult him.

During my final year engineering 2019, my friend Shiva’s father was diagnosed with blood cancer. With help of my father’s contact, we got in touch with the best of the best doctors to get him the best treatment. All the doctors we consulted informed us that he has only two weeks of life. We could see him getting weaker by the day due to heavy medication and chemotherapy and suffering from various side effects like fever, loss of appetite, platelets, and weight loss.
Unfortunately, we were mentally preparing to face the worst in a few weeks. Shiva happened to get a suggestion from one of his family members to consult Narsipura Narayanappa at Shivamogga, who is known to treat various types of cancer through mother natures resources sourced from forests. As there was no harm in giving it a try, Shiva to consult him.
With this information in mind, I started my journey and there was no looking back, with no knowledge about microgreens I went on to learn all about microgreen from where from the Internet, met people in Lalbagh, IIHR, etc. I also learned the latest methods of growing microgreens using technology and went on to get certification in hydroponics and aquaponics and also framing techniques to grow microgreens. With all this information, I started growing microgreens on small scale.
I had to face various challenges right from procuring right place to set up a clean and hygienic and contamination free area, along with right controlled environment to grow microgreens, procuring best untreated seeds and grow them perfectly for consumption. I was able to find a place and procure untreated seeds directly from farmers and started growing microgreens.
Initially, I grew microgreens only for my father and consuming these microgreens regularly helped my father immensely control diabetes and have a perfectly normal and happy life. I felt delighted and thus decided to grow microgreens in large and educate and serve the community for healthy living.
I also faced various challenges to grow different types of microgreens, but nothing stopped or deterred me. I spoke to lots of professors and experts in farming who were growing chemical-free microgreens. As I gained more knowledge, I started to grow micro greens in slightly larger quantities, thus giving birth to my dream Nayagreens.
In the year 2020, we got an opportunity to spread information about microgreens in Lalbagh flower show. We were successful in providing right information about micorgreens, healthy eating habits, food and a healthy lifestyle to 1000’s of people who attended the flower show.
Thus, started my journey to heal my family, I went to spread the knowledge and also grow of the community. I am proud to say we have set up a big microgreens farm in Bangalore with the right technology to grow best microgreens and deliver to home directly.